We give a FAQ about...
NGO stands for "Non-governmental organization" and basically describes all associations or groups that represent common interests, are not profit-oriented and are not dependent on governments or state agencies. In common parlance, the term NGO has established itself especially for organizations, associations and groups that are socio-politically active.
We take a variety of criteria into account when choosing the organizations we work with. We work exclusively with non-profit organisations and are currently prioritizing organisations that have a German office. Furthermore all of the Organizations we work with provide full transparency with regards to funds received and how that money is distributed.
Im Rahmen der Auswahl der Spendenorganisationen haben wir 10 für uns wichtige Spendenkategorien festgelegt, in die die verschiedenen NGOs, die wir unterstützen, eingeordnet werden können. Diese sind: Bildung & Erziehung, Ernährungssicherung, Flüchtlingshilfe, Gesundheitswesen, Not- & Katastrophenhilfe, Klima & Umwelt, Kinder- Jugend- und Altenhilfe, Tierschutz, Gesellschaft, Demokratie
We have taken the decision not to work with organizations with religious or political connections in order to create and maintain an open, diverse and welcoming community.
A major aim of wetenner is to provide long lasting and impactful support to organisations. We are always, however, looking for new opportunities and with your support we will be able to expand and review our partners.
— Nichterfüllung unserer Kriterien
— Erweiterung der Anzahl der NGOs je Kategorie aufgrund einer steigenden Anzahl an Unterstützer*innen
— Ersetzen einzelner NGOs durch bessere Alternativen
Our supporters' feedback is always welcome and we are always looking for new opportunities to do good. Whether you are simply a fan of an organisation that you think we should be aware of or you work for/are connected to an organisation we would love to hear from you.
...Spenden & Finanzen
We are a non-profit organisation. Therefore wetenner is subject to regulations that apply for such an organisation in Germany.
You can find us in the German 'Vereinsregister' under this link.
Seit 2021 reicht es bei Spenden unter 300€ jährlich aus, dem Finanzamt einen einfachen Nachweis (z.B. einen Auszug deiner Banküberweisungen) zu übersenden. Mehr dazu kannst du beispielsweise beim Lohnsteuerhilfeverein nachlesen. Um unseren durch E-Mails erzeugten CO2 Fußabdruck so gering wie möglich zu halten, möchten wir für das laufende Steuerjahr darauf verzichten, Spendenbescheinigungen für Spenden unter der 300 € Grenze auszustellen und danken Dir für dein Verständnis.
All donations will go 100% directly to our partner NGOs. The entire wetenner team is comprised of volunteers. All of the operational costs are covered by the team directly.
We want 100% of your donations to arrive at the organisations. Unfortunately, to integrate external payment providers and the maintenance of plugins costs money. That’s why we decided to start with monthly standing orders until we find a better, free solution.