Give € 10 per month.

No more.
No Less.

Let‘s change the way we donate!

We need to talk about donating.

The truth is that we all want to help. However, the reality is, that not enough of us get around to it. Therefore, we want to rethink the way we can engage our generation in donating. Currently there are many organisations working to better the world but unfortunately they do not get the support or exposure they deserve and need. Our wish is simple: we want you to help us help them. With your support wetenner wishes to awaken the passion and empathy we believe exists in you and allow these organisations to achieve their goals.

Let's face it!


Only 4% of people under the age of 30 donate whereas over 55% of 60+ year-olds do! Who will carry the social responsibility when these people are gone?

Source: Bilanz des Helfens, Deutscher Spendenrat e.V., Februar 2020


Roughly 19 million people made donations in Germany in 2020. This is more than half a million less than 2019 and that was a half a million less than the year before. With wetenner we aim to change this trend so the responsibility for our future is not in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

Source: Bilanz des Helfens, Deutscher Spendenrat e.V., Februar 2021


This is the number of charity organizations in Germany, many of which are not transparent. We aim to reduce the complexity and allow people to simply donate.



Currently 3.3% of donations go to nature and the environment. With wetenner you will be able to support a variety of causes simultaneously.

Source: Deutscher Spendenrat e.V., Bilanz des Helfens 2021

It's a jungle out there!

Finding the right organisations for important causes can be very time consuming. We researched ten of the most important fields NGOs are active in and chose the most genuine, transparent and impact oriented in each category.

Be a wetenner!

Become a wetenner by donating only € 10 a month. To begin with we will distribute your donations semi-annually to our selected NGO’s.

Monthly transfer to:


wetenner e.V.


DE17 5003 1000 1078 1510 01

Bank institute:

Triodos Bank




[Full name] - Spende


Maybe your banking app supports the payment option via camera or pictureupload. If so, just point your camera towards the details above.

Costs & payment options:

In order to ensure that the entirety of your donation reaches the people who need it we have decided in the beginning not to work with 3rd party payments systems but to request that you send us a monthly standing order.

As soon as alternative payment options are available we will notify you via our newsletter.

Our aspiration

Do you want to trust our NGOs? So do we! That's why we researched and checked the NGOs thoroughly. Of course many things are were considered but factors of paramount importance for us in the decision making process were:


Transparent with their funds


Not religiously or politically aligned


Donations of no more than € 10 million per year


Appropriate use of donations for administrative costs and marketing expenses

Spread the word!

Du willst mehr machen, als nur 10€ pro Monat zu spenden? Dann erzähle deiner Familie und deinen Freund*innen von uns und hilf dabei, wetenner aufzubauen. Mit mehr Mitgliedern können wir NGOs substanzieller unterstützen und die Anzahl der NGOs ausbauen!

Only with many can we make the impact we aim to!

Share our idea:

We owe it to the world we live in!

The heart of wetenner is you! Therefore we aim to be the voice of our community.

We got some news!

Our newsletter will not be weekly or monthly but we will inform you of new developments, good or bad as and when they happen. We only want to share information with you that is pertinent and important.

We don't want every­­­thing, only the best.

As our members grow we will expand the organisations that we support.
Do you know of any great organisations that you feel could benefit from our support and fit with our idealogy? Then please let us know! We want this to be a community and not only is your support financial but we also encourage the sharing of ideas and welcome questions.

We do this, so we actually do this.

Wir sind und wollen transparent sein.

Wir sind stolzes Mitglied der Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft. Erfahrt mehr hierzu auf unserer Unterseite für Transparenz.